Current Issue : July - September Volume : 2013 Issue Number : 3 Articles : 7 Articles
Visualperceptionisthemostimportantmethod\r\nfor providing information about the competition\r\nenvironment for RoboCup Middle Size League (MSL)\r\nsoccer robots. The paper reviews the advancement of\r\nvisual perception in RoboCup MSL soccer robots from\r\nseveral points of view including the design and\r\ncalibration of the vision system, the visual object\r\nrecognition, the estimation of the object�s motion, robot\r\nvisual selflocalization and multirobot cooperative\r\nsensing. The research progress wehave achieved is also\r\nintroducedinthisreview.Thedevelopingtrendsandthe\r\nfuture research focuses on this problem are also\r\ndiscussed....
We propose an edgesegmentbased statistical\r\nbackground modelling algorithm to detect the moving\r\nedges for the detection of moving objects using a static\r\ncamera. Traditional pixel intensitybased background\r\nmodelling algorithms face difficulties in dynamic\r\nenvironments since they cannot handle sudden changes\r\nin illumination. They also bring out ghosts when a\r\nsudden change occurs in the scene. To cope with this\r\nissue,intensityandnoiserobustedgebasedfeatureshave\r\nemerged. However, existing edgepixelbased methods\r\nsuffer from scattered moving edge pixels since they\r\ncannot utilize the shape.Moreover, traditional segment\r\nbasedmethodscannothandleedgeshapevariationsand\r\nmiss moving edges when they come close to the\r\nbackground edges. Unlike traditional approaches, our\r\nproposed method builds the background model from\r\nordinary training frames that may contain moving\r\nobjects.Furthermore,itdoesnotleaveanyghostsbehind.\r\nMoreover, our method uses an automatic threshold for\r\nevery background edge distribution for matching. This\r\nmakes our approach robust to illumination change,\r\ncameramovementandbackgroundmotion.Experiments\r\nshowthatourmethodoutperformsothersandcandetect\r\nmoving edges efficiently despite the above mentioned\r\ndifficulties....
In postestimation problem for space robot, photogrammetry has been used to determine the relative pose between an object and a camera. The calculation of the projection from two-dimensional measured data to three-dimensional models is of utmost importance in this vision-based estimation however, this process is usually time consuming, especially in the outer space environment with limited performance of hardware. This paper proposes a computationally efficient iterative algorithm for pose estimation based on vision technology. In this method, an error function is designed to estimate the object-space collinearity error, and the error is minimized iteratively for rotation matrix based on the absolute orientation information. Experimental result shows that this approach achieves comparable accuracy with the SVD-based methods; however, the computational time has been greatly reduced due to the use of the absolute orientation method....
In this paperwe present the development of an\r\ninteractive,contentawareandcosteffectivedigitalsignage\r\nsystem. Using a monocular camera installed within the\r\nframe of a digital signage display, we employ realtime\r\ncomputervisionalgorithmstoextracttemporal,spatialand\r\ndemographic features of the observers,which are further\r\nused for observerspecific broadcasting of digital signage\r\ncontent.ThenumberofobserversisobtainedbytheViola\r\nandJonesfacedetectionalgorithm,whilstfacialimagesare\r\nregistered using multiview Active Appearance Models.\r\nThedistanceoftheobserversfromthesystemisestimated\r\nfrom the interpupillary distance of registered faces.\r\nDemographic features, including gender and age group,\r\naredeterminedusingSVMclassifierstoachieveindividual\r\nobserverspecific selection and adaption of the digital\r\nsignage broadcasting content. The developed system was\r\nevaluatedatthelaboratorystudylevelandinafieldstudy\r\nperformed for audience measurement research.\r\nComparison of our monocular localization module with\r\nthe Kinect stereosystem reveals a comparable level of\r\naccuracy. The facial characterizationmodule is evaluated\r\non the FERET database with 95% accuracy for gender\r\nclassification and 92% for age group. Finally, the field\r\nstudy demonstrates the applicability of the developed\r\nsysteminreallifeenvironments....
The energy of a space station is a precious resource, and the minimization of energy consumption of a space manipulator is crucial\r\nto maintain its normal functionalities. This paper first presents novel gaits for space manipulators by equipping a new gripping\r\nmechanism. With the use of wheels locomotion, lower energy demand gaits can be achieved. With the use of the proposed gaits,\r\nwe further develop a global path planning algorithm for space manipulators which can plan a moving path on a space station\r\nwith a minimum total energy demand. Different from existing approaches, we emphasize both the use of the proposed low energy\r\ndemand gaits and the gaits composition during the path planning process. To evaluate the performance of the proposed gaits and\r\npath planning algorithm, numerous simulations are performed. Results show that the energy demand of both the proposed gaits\r\nand the resultant moving path is also minimum....
Insystemleveldesign,itisdifficulttoachievea\r\nsystem verification which fulfils the requirements of\r\nvarious stakeholders using only descriptive system\r\nmodels. Descriptive system models using SysML alone\r\nare insufficient for system behaviour verifications and\r\nengineersalwaysuse different simulation tools (e.g., the\r\nMathworks Simulink or Modelica Dymola) to analyze\r\nsystems behaviour. It is a good idea to combine\r\ndescriptive and simulation models. This paper presents\r\nthe development of a collaborative design framework\r\nwhich brings SysML, Simulink, and Simscape profiles\r\nwithin the domain of robotics. A conceptual design\r\nmethod is proposed to support execution models for\r\nsimulation. In brief, the descriptive SysML systemlevel\r\nmodel is interpreted into the systemlevel simulation\r\nmodels (e.g., Simulink and Simscape). We then use a\r\npluginbased model integration technique to keep both\r\nmodels in sync for automatic simulation. A simulation\r\nstudy is performed to evaluate the system. To illustrate\r\nthedesignofthissystem,wepresentasimulatedclosed\r\nloopsystem....
This paper present a Mouse controlled robotic arm using VHDL. Modern life has become very complex and difficult. Therefore we need to find ways and means to make it simpler. It aims at this aspect of human life to make it comfortable. The main focus is to control robotic arm with a mouse. Using the mouse the robotic arm will move along all the three axes. FPGA has an advantage over microcontroller that it can have ‘n’ number of inputs & outputs and VHDL code can be edited at any moment. From those preconditions VHDL components were created for the joystick and controlling of the robotic arm. The embedded system contained several Xilinx components; including the Micro blaze CPU which ran the different kernels. Spartan 3 FPGA kit allows interfacing between robotic arm and mouse via FPGA....